Sunday, July 24, 2011

Something I'm working on.

When shit's really... shitty, I find the need to craft things.  Not just any craft and not necessarily for a functional product, but just something time consuming and expressive.  More "art" than craft.

I am only as strong as I am,
because you guided me.

I have always said that my sister is one of the strongest and bravest people I know.  Last year, as she battled cancer with striking wit and unwavering strength, I thought to myself: "see, I was right."   An amazing mother, an adoring sister, and a spunky pain-in-the-ass, my sister has conquered any role she's taken on and made it all look so easy.

Today, I wonder if I could ever be a strong enough sister and brave enough friend to help her when she's the one who has strength and bravery in the bag.  I endlessly hope that I can be half the woman she is without her help, should she ever leave us.  It is only with her help that I have made it as far as I have anyway.

Mari, I love you.  We'll fight this together, as long as it takes and as hard as it gets.  

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I can sorta draw

I thought I would inundate you with pictures!  Fun, yes?
So, pencil drawings, I suppose, are something I "make."  I wouldn't use the word "art," but I draw stuff...

This is actually only about 2" long.  

This is my original drawing for the tattoo on my foot--if you've seen it, you know it's not right :(

Doodles for an idea for another tattoo... suggestions?

I force myself to draw things I can't draw--hands for example.

TJ is a good sport and sits still for me to sketch him.

I draw a lot of silly stuff.

I also draw creepy things, lol.

and I sketch things for craft projects.  That's my first visualization of the angelfish I made out of aluminum.

Hmpf, pretty unpretty.

More silly stuff!

Little mini person.

I don't know.  It kinda looks like me?

This is up on my wall... sketches of TJ and I.