This entire project was totally based on/inspired by/stolen from Princess Lasertron and her amazing creations. I'm not sure if she's the alpha and omega of felt flowers, but she's definitely the best I've ever seen. Anyway, my friend over at a case of the crafties was going to order a bouquet for her amazing French wedding (can you even take your eyes off of that beautiful dress?!). But, I was broke at the time and thought there could be no better gift than saving her the hundreds of dollars on a bouquet when I could try and craft something just as good. My attempts were feeble at best and not nearly as good as PL's but I think it didn't turn out half bad :) Here are a few views of the thing, with Charlie posing in the background and TJ as my hand model in one.
I also made the boutonniere and some pin things...
As I remained broke for a time and enjoyed the craft, I also made a few flowers for another friend of mine...
Happy crafting!