I have a bit more me-time this semester, and so I've tackled a few things I wouldn't have have the time (read: energy) for last semester.

First, I went to Home Goods (I do this like once a week and I'm not particularly proud of it, lol). I've been looking for a lamp for a while now because in my dungeon--a post about it will be coming soon--there isn't much light in the livingroom. I like sitting on my couch and reading whilst TJ produces music things on the other side of the room, in his pseudo-studio. But, without light, this gets harder to do as the day sets. Anywho, I found a table lamp that I really liked, and THEN found a little side table that was the PERFECT size. All in the same visit! Both on clearance! It was a sign from the gods of consumerism, to say the least. This $18 side table was red (stupid-me forgot to take a before picture) and had a dent in it and a few scratches. Perfect opportunity to test out my refinishing skills. The after picture is what you see to the right. As you can see, my couch is red, so a red table just wouldn't have worked. The blue I got from Home Depot is unfortunately TOO blue. My next step (eventually) will be to try and stain this bad boy with coffee. I have some chemical stain that would work, but coffee is much less... chemicalish.

This thing you see to the right is the lamp. I paid $22 for it, a bit too much for my taste, but I love that it came with that plain while shade. Plain white = easily craftable in my book. I'm thinking some printed vellum or maybe even regular paper will make this plain-jane lamp a gem. I'll sand down that black finish and paint it a brown that better matches my stuff. That'll be a project to tackle when I find the perfect vellum or paper (or at least look through the stacks of paper I have to see if I already have the perfect paper). Ignore that light switch in the background. I'm trying to hide it. It turns off the outlet that my TV and things are plugged into. Hopefully people don't think it's for the lamp! haha
Last and least is my attempt to "paint." The classic crafts: painting and sewing, are just... well... not friends of mine. I suck at both. I have no particular attachment to pink and green, but as my first post exposed, the trend started in my craft area and I just can't stop it. So, I wanted to jazz things up and add some "art." This is honestly the best I can do. I'm thinking I'll add words right over the pattern, but we'll see... Maybe I'll quill some spirals and swirlies and make this thing POP. hah.
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